As part of their Poverty Reduction Lab initiative, Circles Green Bay, led by Jen Schmohe, hosted a public discussion to generate a shared vision for 2021 priorities with regard to large scale poverty reduction in Brown County, WI.
The session on January 14, 2021 focused on how to leverage resources for young adults in the 18-32 year old age range and successfully connect them to in-demand career pathways. Jen Schmohe appreciated the diversity and number of attendees who are interested in this important work.
“We need to continue the dialogue, look for others to join the work, and strive to develop new responses for the narratives of poverty.
By focusing on the young adult age range of 18-32 with our poverty reduction efforts, we will be able to set benchmarks for success and rally organizations to exert urgency in the pursuit of self sufficiency and stability for the households that are the future of Green Bay’s vitality.”
— Jen Schmohe from Green Bay, WI
As pictured here, featured speakers included:
Troy Murphy, GBCC Senior Pastor
Scott Miller, Circles USA
Jen Schmohe, Circles Green Bay
Spencer Bonnie of Achieve Brown County
Robyn Davis and Sarah Inman of Brown County United Way
Cheryl Detrick of NEWCAP
Amber Edwards, former Circle Leader
Natalie Bomstad of Wello
Their next poverty reduction meeting is already scheduled for March. Congratulations on a successful launch of this community-wide initiative.