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Building community to end poverty through intentional friendships, personal transformation, and systemic change led by the people closest to the challenge.


All individuals live in equitable, thriving communities where poverty no longer exists.

“Circles is one of the best models for long-term poverty reduction I have ever encountered. It sets up a new dynamic that puts the families who want to become economically stable in the driver’s seat rather than being viewed as clients choosing predetermined options. All involved create a community conversation to reduce poverty regionally.

— Lynette Fields (Executive Director of Poverty Solutions Group)


Carmen’s Story
(Circles Northwest Arkansas)

Carmen Gonzalez of Circles Northwest Arkansas spoke about how Circles helped her grow trust alongside financial stability.

“Before Circles, I didn’t have a lot of faith in humanity. I didn’t believe in myself; I didn’t have people I could depend on locally. I joined Circles and met people who genuinely cared and wanted me to succeed in ways that no one has ever wanted for me before. That was life-changing for me and my family.”

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