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Office of Family Assistance Publishes Brief Featuring Circles USA as Innovative Strategy for TANF

Circles USA is proud to be featured as an innovative strategy for TANF programs in a new brief, “Social Capital Initiatives To Achieve Employment Goals.” This brief is part of the Office of Family Assistance’s Emerging Practice Series, which highlights how TANF agencies and their partners are helping low-income individuals gain and sustain meaningful employment.

Here’s a description:

“TANF participants in Utah are moving from poverty to earning incomes at or above 200% of the federal poverty level (FPL) through a social capital-building strategy. Implemented by the Utah Department of Workforce Services through partnerships with community action agencies, the Circles program matches TANF participants with community volunteers in a long-term weekly support group. With this circle of support and resources, participants are empowered to move toward employment and self-sufficiency.

The brief [gives] an overview of the program model, and the results that have been achieved. Compelling stories of participants’ success and suggestions from TANF agency staff to their peers provide actionable insights and on-the-ground perspectives.”

Click here to download the brief.


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