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Video Spotlight: Reducing Poverty through Business Entrepreneurship | Circles USA

At Circles USA, we know that not everyone follows a traditional career path. That’s why we celebrate entrepreneurship as an avenue for talented, passionate people from every walk of life to reduce poverty within their families and communities. Here, Circle Leaders describe how Circles participation equipped them with the entrepreneurial skill sets and networks to launch their own heart-centered businesses.

Board member Jennifer Pelling, who produced our new documentary short film series, knows the importance of Circle Leaders seeing small business growth in action. “Circles’ poverty-reduction strategy depends on both community support and individual responsibility,” she says. “Circles Upstate SC demonstrates this beautifully: entrepreneurs work hard to create jobs, and the community comes alongside to guide and support. Pam runs a service company, Carson’s starting a nonprofit, and Amber has a home-based baking business. The chapter includes dedicated volunteers like Beth (with years of Wall Street experience) and partnerships with local nonprofits to provide mentors and advice on everything from creating business plans to finances. So impressive!”


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